want a copy of any of the albums on this site with unique handmade artwork? deal! we will construct original pieces of art to house your cd of original music. you name the price and we will create accordingly.

want a random mix or a surprise? just ask!

unsatisfied with the music currently available? spark our creativity, and give us a challenge! request a song to your own specifications, and we will do our best.

how it works:
click the paypal link below.
in the box called "Payment For" write what you want. if there isn't enough room, just email us with a more detailed description, or click continue and there should be another box for comments. then write how much you want to give us in the "Amount" box. hope this works!

poor? we can relate. if you have anything interesting to trade, just drop us a line at blastingtroutoverbite [at] gmail [dot] com